Welcome from Albie Derbyshire, Elizabeta Kuzevska
and all of us at The Online Marketing Acadamy!
"Save Money Everywhere You Turn"
Potential Savings on Gas, Groceries, Car Insurance, Health, Travel etc...
1. SHG is Free to join and find savings for you and your family....................
2. Save even more money from a paid membership!..................................
3. Making money for real STARTS with finding a solution to a problem......
4. When you solve a problem (find a way to save money yourself), then .....
you can reach out and find others who have the SAME PROBLEM ....
and help them FIX it!
5. Place members under you 10 levels down and still earn 100% income the
first month, 50% income the following months and help your team ......
earn at least $1 a month per member, 8 additional levels down..............
Get Started for FREE!
See what SHG is all about below:
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
"Duplication Headquarters"
1. GDI is only $10 a month (and almost anyone can afford it).......................
2. It pays 5 levels down and we can place members..................................
under you (and still earn ourselves for helping you). ..........................
3. It gives you a .ws or .com domain with hosting.........................................
4. GDI has been going strong for over 20 years.............................................
When you're ready to START,
Take the 7-day FREE Trial!
See what GDI is all about below:
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
"The Formula To SUCCESS & Lucrative Earnings"
2. HBA starts at only $25 a month...............................................................
3. HBA pays 80% Commissions!..............................................................
(so you earn $20 on a $25 sale, $100 on.a $125 sale, and $400 .........
on a $500 sale)....................................................................................
4. It has excellent marketing tools and training including weekly..............
LIVE webinars. ..................................................................................
5. Daily "Traffic & Conversions" training, with six and seven figure ..
earners who share what I consider to be "thousand dollar tips" all ..
the time. You get two weeks free at the $125 level. ..........................
See for yourself how valuable these.daily trainings are. I personally
spent over 5 years and spent spent thousands of dollars to learn ......
what you will learn daily in here. ......................................................
Not only that but you won't have to take it on yourself to teach and
train your team. If you're sick or on vacation, let HBA be the .........
sponsor for you. This training is duplicatable and super helpful as
you will learn "over the shoulder" from experience marketers .........
and get your questions answered! .....................................................
6. One of the keys to success is for people to keep thier memberships .
month to month. If you stay in this industry for very long, you will
realize that 'retention" rate is the most important part of earning ..
successful monthly commissions. If people get the membership and
then drop it, you will work very hard to get customers only to see
them dissappear a month or two later.
This happened to me for years. I would get up to 50 members but ...
couldn't get any further. Every week, I would work hard to get a ....
few more members but see just as many drop out. This is called...
a "plataeu". It's very difficult to build a good retention rate but .......
the formula is this: ............................................................................
1. An honest company that pays consistently.
2. Inspiration and real relationships that are being built daily.
3. Solid training without forcing people to spend thousands of dollars
to learn the real secrets of eaning successfully.
When you're ready to START,
Begin Below!
See what HBA is all about below:
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
"Perpetual Leverage"
1. I personally use PLS every single day. I build this funnel in .....
PLS, created all the trainings on how to master each of the 5
Critical Skills in PLS and have created hundreds of "Share ..
Codes" that you can copy to re-create the pages I use to .......
get subscribers and build my list with. ..................................
2. PLS Costs $53 a month (or $30 just for it's tools).......................
It breaks down to $30 a month for the tools and $20 .............
more to earn 100% commissions for each customer, .............
plus 50% overrides on your team commissions .....................
(one level down) each month ($53 total)........................//......
3. You earn $20 on each Gold sale and $10 on each of your..........
direct referrals......................................................................
4. PLS has PERPETUAL LEVERAGE on the higher levels...
and allows you to earn 100% commissions, unlimited levels..
down from the sales of your team! It ALSO opens the door
for you to EARN 6-figures!.................................................
5. PLS has all the marketing tools so we can teach you all...........
5 Critical Marketing Skills and help you personally..........
on Zoom during the week. ...................................................
The 5 Critical Skills:
We will teach you free and paid methods of advertising.............
We will teach you the effective capture page creation...............
We will teach you how to build your own big email list.............
We will teach you how to communicate effectively to your list.
We will teach you how to earn more and more from ..................
effective funnel creation.
Finally, we will teach you how to grow and become an
effective Team Leader with us!
When you're ready to START,
Take the $1 Trial!
See what PLS is all about HERE
Or if Albie is Not Your Sponsor
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
Duplicate This Whole Funnel With YOUR LINKS
With a PLS Membership Using PLS Share Codes! Ask Us How.
"Super Downline Builder"
1. PMS is an awesome "Downline Builder". It enables you to add .........
16 of your own business opportunities inside of it that others .........
can click on your links and join you in. ...........................................
2. PMS Costs $12 a month.......................................................................
3. You earn $10 on each sale and $10 from each passup .......................
from your teams 2nd and 4th level. You keep your 1st and ...........
3rd level and everyone after the 4th level. You only have to .........
pass up your 2nd and 4th member or pass up again if you ...........
lose a paid member that was originally passed up.........................
4. PMS makes it easier to grow your email list virally. ........................
The reason for this is that anyone you bring in on your level 1, ...
if they promote and bring people in themselves (down to 5.........
levels), you will still be able to email them! Not only this but ....
PMS email responder has a pretty good delivery rate too. ..........
"What happened for us"
We personally just sponsored 80 "tour takers and students" and
our email list took off and before long we had 1000 tour takers
and students in our email list (from the work of our downline)!
5. You can earn even more with the "Owners Add On" inside PMS. ....
6. PMS has a email RESPONDER (which is manual) but not an .........
AUTO-responder (which is automatic). The email responder ......
works well and by our experience has a good connection rate. ....
7. We can teach all of the 5 Critical Skills inside of PMS but not .......
in depth. For the price it is a great place to start. .......................
See more about PMS here .
When you're ready to START PMS,
Take the 7-Day FREE Trial!
Get Started With PMS HERE
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
"AI Automated Recruiting"
1. Let AI do some of your HEAVY LIFTING. Don't feel like
all the work is on your shoulders. Let the power of AI .
help you reach your goals faster. ...................................
2. Build additional income streams all with automated
AI power. ...............................................................
When you're ready to START,
Take the FREE Trial!
See what PHG is all about HERE
Find Your Sponsor: HERE
Let's Get Started!
Join Each Strategically.
After you join EMAIL BACK YOUR
TEAM LEADER immediately and let them know
which income stream you started.
Looking forward to working with you!
You will notice that I built this whole funnel using the
Power Lead System (PLS).
I use PLS every single day, love it for it's ability to help
beginners and expert marketers, for it's ability to "work
outside the box", for it's amazing perpetual leveraged income
structure and all the TONS of amazing training you will find
on each of its levels.
On top of this I can share all these pages and hundreds more with
you through PLS "Share Codes". I can also teach all five Critical
Skills with PLS and have created a ton of EXCELLENT training from
beginner to expert using the PLS system in this YBY training. And if
this isn't enough, you can earn high ticket commissions up to
$1000 (unlimited levels down) with it. I don't know anywere
else where the math just works this powerfully.
However, IF I HAD TO PICK One program to invest in because
funds were limited, I would choose the Home Business Academy (HBA).
HBA is our MAIN program because it holds the COMMUNITY and
helps build the relationships, and gives the BEST TRAINING (for the
money) then ANY program I have ever worked with (and I've been in
over 6o paid programs over the years). It is the reason why you will
find success if you plug in and do what you learn.*
*Of course I can't guarantee this as I don't know many factors
about each one of you. And this is important.
So if you are struggling between PLS and HBA, choose HBA.
If you can afford HBA and the PLS $30 a month tools, that
is also another good option. Finally, if you can afford to
get into PLS (or even go "ALL IN"), and earn high
ticket leveraged income, then I look forward helping
you use a system I absolutely love and a system that
has helped our team in so many ways!
If you want to see all the hundreds of PLS Share Codes,
Capture Pages, Sales Pages, Trainings etc.. that I've made for
you, then you can go HERE for the basic ones
and HERE for the Advanced ones. You may also see
the Step by Step Success Checksheet Training HERE .
And if you want to join PLS, you can go HERE
Or if Albie is not your sponsor, go HERE
If you want to see all about HBA, simply click HERE .
I truly hope this helps you!
Have Questions? Connect your sponsor
at SailingWithAlbie@gmail.com
Need 1:1 Mentoring?
Click "Play" to Get All the Details
about How Coaching n Mentoring Can Help You.
"We know that by helping you to succeed,
that our teams success is guaranteed."
Want to see more details about the difference
having a mentor will do for you?
We will also be here for you to help
you personally 1:1 with your funnel at every step!
We look forward to working with you!